Thursday, September 8, 2011

in a nut shell (literally and figuratively)

OK, so yes... I realize I promised another post soon... but ya know, I try to make it happen, and then it just doesn't... SO SORRY! I've completely accepted that I've lost the only few readers I had! But, for the one Sugar and Spice die harder out there hanging on to dear life having faith in me and my blogging, there is good news!! Unlike all my other 'catch-up posts' this one will be short and sweet... NOTHING like my others! I need to get my feet wet again and get in the hang of this again!
I can't even begin to explain all the ins and outs of what's been happening since my last post- it definitely would not be the "short and sweet" post mentioned above!
Needless to say, the 'cliff's notes version' of the last 2 months are as follows:
~we have been doing some things to the house
~the girls have started back at school
~they are both in ballet...

~I have started back at school too, in Grad school at that...ugh!

Oh and not to mention, for the past two months while we were having work done to the house, we have been living with... drum roll please... do I dare to even say it... yes, we have been living with this...

(I think the quality of the picture adds more dramatic affect so I'm rollin with it!)


So basically, need I say any more!?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


...if only it were just as easy as swapping cards and placing blue and/or pink pegs in a car... or as easy as a picture on the beach makes it seem...

Christmas, New Years and Easter for that matter have all come and gone since my last post on {Christmas Eve, Eve}, but now I am back on to blogging... well, hopefully for now at least!
I would love to say this would be a short little 'catch up session, but you and I know better... but I will try and be as short and sweet as possible so I do not jump in head first and knock myself out, ruining all chances of me not coming back and blogging for a while... again... and more importantly run off those few that have actually stuck around having faith in me returning! THANK YOU TO THOSE WONDERFUL BELIEVERS!!
So, here goes a snapshot of what we have had going on...
(listed only in the order I pull them out from the deep, dark, dusty, corners of my mind)
*Chayse has several food "sensitivities" which is causing her terribly itchy eczema (this in an of itself is an entire post- for possibly another day...)

                 ~ she reacts more so from eggs and milk, and especially from peanuts
                 ~ she is also pretty allergic to gary... the diabetic cat that won't seem to parish anytime soon

*I want to just kick him to the curb, but to appeal my husband, and the girls seem to obsess over him too- i'll just settle for keeping the cat and replacing all the carpet with hard wood floors and having a maid come and clean frequently to remove all cat hair and dander...
this is what he leaves behind during the months he is shedding badly...

UGH!! it haunts me...
I can graciously and willingly bring him by someone's house if anyone needs any motivation to clean their home!!
Basically... one day, when I stop stressing about her allergies, I will thank Chaysie for her eczema in helping persuade Ryan to get a housekeeper, and getting rid of our awful carpet! although... this has been since February, and nothing has been done yet, so... basically... we shall see if we get rid of anything other than disgusting floating cat hair I guess...?
Moving right along-
* Ryan has started working for a Utility company- a random change from banking, I know!
* He also managed to hold the fort down while I enjoyed a wonderful -and well needed- gals trip with crazy cath (my mom) and babugs (the sis)

* Maybe Ryan handled my absence so well knowing we were headed to the beach once I got back home...

-on a side note... I'm obsessed with this photo! I love it! oh, and the one with me in the middle of them (shown at top of post)

*And I have to mention Easter since it too has already come and gone...

aren't their Easter outfits beautiful!?
And no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you, the things you think are sticking out of Chayse's Easter basket, are actually things she is wearing... yes, those are balls sticking out of her head, wings on her back, pajamas (inside out) and minnie mouse high heals...
But I will say, she pulls it off very well!

*And Sloan is quite the negotiator- she seems to get her way more frequently than not- so when it comes to the outfits she picks out... I just let her do her thing.  She has gotten so big and I feel she has grown so much in the past couple months... and I could not possibly do her justice in a couple sentences, or even a blog post, but I will definitely try in a post dedicated to her soon...
Most recently she had her end of the school program...

and has since confirmed she is obsessed with singing, dancing, and doing whatever it takes to try and entertain anyone who will listen, watch or give her any sort of attention... (which she is sooo deprived of!!)
 ~please note the sarcastic tone~

*Chayse has become such a big girl now, and is sleeping in her "big girl bed"...

or at least, she starts off there- and ends up somewhere else at times...

although, for the past 2 nights, she has decided to forgo the idea altogether and sleep with Sloanie... which I can not get enough of... they are soo adorable!

~Sorry for the quality of some of these- they have come from my phone~

Nonetheless, Chayse too, will have to have her own post as well, as I have so much to say about both of those precious little things!

*And as for me...
I have...
~ been accepted into graduate school (WHAT AM I THINKING!?)
~ dug up 1/4 of our yard to plant a ridiculously large garden... again, (WHAT AM I THINKING?!)

(please take note... Crazy Cath actually has a roto-tiller and was super excited about hauling it over to prepare my new over-sized garden!)

(I promise it's starting to look much better now that everything is sprouting)

Anyway... back to the basics:
I'm also...
~ driving myself crazy with chayse's allergies (not her fault that I am completely obsessing with them!) Can you tell, since I have already mentioned them.
~ landscaping for our mountainous yard to{FINALLY}become FLAT in just a couple weeks!!! (there will hopefully be a post on this entire process...and the before's and after's...)
~ trying to figure out a way to get our house to miraculously become clean and organized
~ daydreaming of the time I will find time to ever blog again (I don't know yet if this post is just my wishful thinking... or if I will hopefully get some pictures loaded on here, and be able to post it!) hopefully the latter of the two will happen, and you will be reading this thinking, "she takes after her mom, and her name should be crazy cam" But that's OK... I get that A LOT!
~ going crazy and obsessive about pinning on Pinterest (this one is actually the time killer and could actually become very DAN-GER-OUS!) It's a must for everyone and anyone who frequently looks for ideas on the internet...
~ and, as if my mind is not overwhelmed enough just from these few things I've listed... we have a huge event within just days that I feel as if I am definitely going to be letting down one pumped up little girl....
SLOANIE'S 4TH BIRTHDAY IS EXACTLY ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!??? AND I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING PLANNED!!! (it would probably not be a very big deal if I had just told her we were going to just do something small... but no... of course I told her we would have a party, and she keeps reminding me of this every day!!) - stay tuned for how that pans out!

As for the rest of the crew... everything is pretty much the same ole same... except of course, I could not have an update without...

wait for it....

here's a hint....

you guessed it!

...I could not have an update without Jim being involved in the post!

Besides being the number one fan of CBA Pharma, Jim has also lost 40 pounds!

He had some messed up leg issue {I'll spare you the details...}and was hospitalized to also find out his diabetes was out of control, and pinched a nerve somewhere during all the chaos.
Well, after being in pain and scared that he would never see the day CBT-1 hit big, he decided to finally eat healthy...
Here's Jim before his weight loss...

And here's Jim after realizing he needs to stay alive to see his CBT-1 shares split...(or maybe not wanting to give himself insulin shots... I think it's a combo of both!)

*OK- so... I need to add a footnote-  well, maybe three...

~Number 1- Jim originally lost 40 pounds, and has since told me he has gained 3 pounds back... which in Jimmy-bo terms means about 10+/- pounds...

~Number 2- Clearly... I don't have a current picture of him with his actual weight loss

~And Number 3- I think I would have saved a lot of time had I run over to his house, made him cover up over his tightie whities, get him out of his recliner, listen to him clear his throat a few times, suck in for dramatic effect and pose for a picture instead of try and make a fake ocean under his arms and neck and create a pole behind his back!

...well, on second thought- yes I would have saved time, but... I think figuring out how to make him look thinner was much easier than accomplishing all of the above with Jim!!

Since this was suppose to be short and sweet we will end the post here...Jim's a great topic to end on!

check back soon... I will definitely be back this time!!