
The truth of who I am differs slightly than who I wish I could be. I would love to claim that I am a part-time mother of two wonderfully behaved girls living on the beach with a husband that knows exactly what I want at all times, all the while having over friends and grilling on the weekends. And to continue with this dream… my house is spic and span, the laundry’s put away, wonderful meals are prepared every night at 6:00, hours of time have been spent on all my hobbies and projects that I love doing, and I still have plenty of time to spend playing with and hanging out with my incredible family. However my plan is obviously a little different than the one God has blessed me with, which thankfully is much more entertaining and enjoyable.
In reality I am a full-time mom around the clock, and sometimes get a break from 7:30 to 4:00 while I am at work as a dental hygienist. I have a wonderful husband that puts up with all my confusing characteristics, in which I am mesmerized by how he still loves me and continues to stick around! As for our children: we have two amazing girls that are into everything and conquer anything that involves not listening to us. Our third child is a lethargic, whopping 22 pound diabetic cat. Our home is always a disaster with dust bunnies dust buffalo’s lurking behind every door and partying in every corner. The girls get dressed from the mountain of clothes waiting to be folded in the laundry room, and graze on the food found lingering in our garbage disposal of a couch. We might possibly have a decent meal if only I knew how to tackle planning, preparing, cooking and shooing off two kids clinging to my legs pulling down my pants clawing their way up into my arms. Nonetheless, I threw in the towel long ago on housework and cleaning and direct all of my love, attention, and time into my husband and our two frightfully witty, humorous, intelligent, little girls.
Miraculously my mother-in-law continues to graciously and cautiously invite us over for dinner, my wonderful sister Laine (Bugs) somehow still shows up to entertain us and the girls, and then there's Granny (who’s 87) and amazingly appears to tackle the monstrosity in our laundry room. (It’s pretty obvious they are both telling us we need to focus more of our attention on keeping up our house, and putting food on the table)- But I let it slide. Although once in a blue moon, I will get a wild hair and try to be supermom. I’ll go crazy with baking, cooking, organizing, and housekeeping, and try to be creative through my ideas, crafts, and painting, by using the talent I only half-way inhereted from my mother.  Throw all this together and that’s where my new found blogging hobby falls into place. This is the best way I can keep up with our family and friends and show off the moments I have luckily and inconspicuously caught on camera! I hope you enjoy reading little snippets from the lives of our family: My amazing husband, Ryan, our precious, little adorable cupcakes; Sloan and Chayse, and myself: Cammie.