Tuesday, August 31, 2010

fun with the fams

First and foremost... CHAYSE DID GREAT WALKING INTO HER CLASS TODAY!!! YYAAYYY!! No tears were shed at all!! (which made it harder on me than I thought it would, when I realized she didn't need me anymore...) but at least she did great!!

On another note...
This weekend was jam packed with family- on both sides of ours.
First we had a family reunion where the girls enjoyed making new friends, seeing family, and swinging like always!

To top off the family filled weekend we took pictures with Ryan's side of the family.  This turned out much better than expected knowing the girls were extremely exhausted (which always translates to terrible cooperation)!
These pictures were weeded out of the several (more like hundreds) we took... and these shown are as good as we were able to get!!

These are some of my favorites I was some how able to capture!

And of course I had to take advantage of the extra hands and probably the only opportunity (for a while I'm sure) to get some good pictures of us and our family!!

and finally a good picture of Ryan and me!!
I love this one of Chayse! Its probably the best picture I have that sums up her wonderful personality! She loves accessories (this necklace she snagged from Gigi's neck), being dressed up, climbing on things (like this stool which was being used as my camera's tripod), and best of all, she's always laughing and so happy (for the most part)! I love this picture! I just want to gobble her up!

 So, now, just to entertain you with what all we had to go through for some decent captures! It's amazing they turned out as well as they did!

and that's all she wrote... it was all over after sloan took off! Although, they did do very well under the circumstances (and all the bribing, reasoning, distracting,...)
Take a long look because we will probably not have any more family photos taken for quite some time!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 3 and counting...

Well - The school year has officially started...

Gone are the days of enjoying the peaceful morning all to myself: starting off with my shower (without the girls peeking behind the curtain), sipping my coffee while catching glimpses of  'the today show' and skipping off to work while everyone is asleep is only now a distant memory. Our new routine has started - although it is still in the works on running smoothly.

The first day was great!  The gals were super excited about all the days activities...

cinnamon rolls to complete a well balanced meal!...

lookin stylin with their backpacks, skirts, twinkle toes,(and Chayse's need to always accessorize)...

and especially their cupcake surprise when they were picked up!

As for the rest of the week...

Today is Day 4 of Sloan's absolute bliss!

She asks to go to school first thing every morning and walks right into her class with a big smile. She gives me a big hug and kiss, waves by (all the while, her grin has yet to leave her face), runs off with her friends, and never looks back.
All the while, she leaves me standing there feeling the lump in my throat start to rise...
Instead, I fight it off, cling to Chayse on my hip and try to forget that it's her turn next...
Reality sinks in and we head for the daycare.

The first day's drop off was OK- The cheerios won her over, so... out the door I went.
The second day was not so great. Snack time was not until an hour, so I had to leave her standing there, arms reaching out for me, face bright red, cheeks soaked by her huge tears... and just like that I was gone.

and then it was my turn- I broke down the second I sat down in the car.

and today... well today is day 3 and 22 hours, 16 minutes and 23 seconds of Chayse's utter misery!

It's been the worst so far! She started crying once we walked into Sloan's room, (thinking it was her daycare) and only stopped when we kissed and hugged Sloan good bye. She was safe!... so she thought...

Then she saw the door leading to her room... and the crying began... followed quickly by the kicking once I handed her off. I said my good bye's and I love you's, and that's when I saw it... "The Typewriter" as we call it. Her head moved from one side while she cried, and then to the other as she caught her breath, and repeated the motions. She looks just like an old typewriter, and that's when we know she's hit rock bottom. I said "I love you" one more time, pulled the dagger out of my heart, opened the door to leave, and broke down all the way to the car. I didn't even make it inside the car before my mascara was running. Next week I'll put that on after the melt down!

Needless to say, when I check in on her throughout the day (from Pa-pa peeking his head around the corner when he's there for lunch), and me calling and checking (I know, I know, I'm one of those parents!) they say she's having a good time. So I'm hoping it's a lot worse on me, than it is on her.

The good news...

Sloan is the only one who goes on Friday's- so tomorrow should be much easier for everyone!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

School already!

So, we've been super busy lately trying to get ready for the first day of school, and getting organized and into a routine... much easier said than done!
It completely snuck up on us as yesterday was the big day!
It was the first "go to school day".  Although, it was only orientation of meeting everyone and staying for only an hour.  So, our official first "real school day" is on Tuesday.  But, don't worry... I do have pictures!
We tried to get a picture of both girls, and this was our best one...

We had better luck with individual pictures, and ones at school instead...

In the mean time... (while sloan was in school), we went to Chayse's school (daycare) to meet all the teachers, all Chayse's friends and try to ease in the transition for her when that time actually comes...

She loved all the little different centers to play with....

her new boyfriend...
and of course, all the attention - when all her new friends opened the window and waved "bye bye" to her!!! (that made my day too, and made me much more comfortable with the entire idea of baby Chayse going to daycare!!!)

Then we went to go pick up sis...

She had a great time with her new friends, especially her best friend Sarah.  (Which we are still trying to figure out who Sarah actually is- there's not one in her class... so.... hhmmm...?)

And of course we had to celebrate with a delicious breakfast where Aunt Bugs works... That was a huge hit!!  But any food for Chayse is hit!

Today went over great- we'll just have to see how the 'official' day goes- especially with Chayse not having Gigi and I there to play with her!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

back on track

After a long and unnecessary pause in my updates, here is the gist of whats been going on lately... I say that lightly as I overwhelm you with details and tons of pictures! 

Chayse's picture could just about describe the crazy week all by itself!

At the beginning of the week, we focused on only one major event in Sloan's life (and ours of course too!)  Mrs. Sublette came to the house to introduce herself to Sloanie and tell her a little about preschool!!! Isn't that great?! The teacher actually came to the house!

And she brought a little goodie bag, showed a picture of the class guinea pig (Mr. Squiggles), told Sloan about all the helpers she could be for the day, arts and crafts time, Bible story time, and let her pick out her own folder with her own sticker for all her "work"! 

She also brought her a T-shirt for music class and PE with their name on, when she asked Sloan what she wanted her T-shirt to say, she replied, "Sloanie".  I guess we never thought about it, but this is what we call her, so I guess it will make her feel right at home! At least she doesn't think her name is Sloanie Balonie!
To welcome Mrs. Sublette we made her Caki's famous delicious 'chocolate chip coffee cake', which is my favorite, because it's super easy and always a for sure hit!! 

Sloanie likes measuring...

(recipe is at bottom of post)...

For variety, we also wanted to throw in some blueberry muffins... which were 100% whole wheat, delicious, and easy (specially made from the Duncan Heinz Kitchen in a box!)

Such concentration!!

Needless to say, sending Sloanie off to Preschool is really going to hit home for me, especially because Baby Chayse will be going to the day-care at the Church/Pre-school! I can't believe it! Although so far, I'm feeling pretty good about it! I couldn't feel any better about leaving Sloanie in the hands of a wonderful teacher, and I'll be sending Papa to do several drop-ins on Chaysie when he goes for his walk and talk lunch and lounge at the Church!!

Moving right along...

I've always wanted to go to the 127 Longest Yard Sale! I've had visions of finding cheep, vintage, one of kind, distressed pieces I could place in my home and have our humble abode looking just as I have always dreamed!  No longer would I have to yank out magazine clippings from Better Homes and Garden, as my house would be perfect, and at the cost of little to nothing!...  NOT A CHANCE~!

We did have a good time, although on the "picking" side it was a complete disappointment! We did not find one thing we wanted, or more so, we did not find one thing we wanted to spend our hard earned money on!  I found a rusted tricycle for $30, and some glass mason jars for $28... are you kidding me! I can go to good will and buy several in every color for those prices!! And to say the least, those were the only two things I could find of any interest... I now know why I couldn't find any takers on tagging along with me!

Except Gigi, who graciously offered to accompany me and help me with the girls (even though she went because she felt sorry for them having to go at my expense! I was very appreciative! I'll take the help any day! And even though she was suckered in, she was a great sport!)...

Although, I think deep down she was a little interested in finding a jaw dropping piece... to no avail!! Ok, I will admit, sometime you have to learn the hard way... so I've learned no more longest yard sale attempts... but that doesn't mean I have to give up my local ones!!

But to top off a long day already, we went to the UK fan day! This is always a yearly hit with the kiddos! (and the parents as they can run around and let out all kinds of extra energy!)
While most were watching the practice...

Of course, the girls were not a bit interested in the game!

And then some were getting a little restless while waiting to go on field...

And others waiting patiently...

And Finally! Time to go on field, play and get autographs!

Wow! What a week!

 I think he's watching all 3 of my followers leave me for good now, after such a ridiculously long post!!!

For those of you that have stuck around for the Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake...
mix all of the following together:

2 Cus All purpose flour
1 1/2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup (2 sticks) melted butter
1 Cup Sour Cream
2 eggs
2 Tb milk
1 Tb vanilla
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt

Beat on low til smooth and pour into a greased and floured tube pan.
Place a couple handfuls (more or less as desired) of chocolate chips on top of batter.

Place in preheated 350 degree oven for 35-40 minutes.  (finished when tester/toothpick comes out clean)
Cool in pan 10 minutes and turn out.  Dust with powdered sugar or cinnamon.